Classification About Mechanical Engineering


One of the branches of Engineering that merge both Physics and Mathematics is Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering is known for one of the wide and oldest Engineering. It is a field that understands in main areas mechanics, materials science, dynamics, thermodynamics. Top engineering colleges in up helps with the principles to research, design, manufacture, maintain mechanical systems and analyze.


Mechanical Engineering helps in combining the necessary changes in future and present needs. Mechanical Engineer produce machines for product goods and develop machine tools. Mechanical Engineering is offered worldwide, with 4 years of study in Bachelor of Technology. Mechanical Engineers inspect using principles of force, energy, motion. Mechanical Engineering certify the safely. effortlessly and accurately the design functions. B Tech colleges in UP offers professional program help students to learn the working of heavy tools and machinery. It is the path where we cover the study of technical areas distributing the electricity past generators, transformers, transmission lines, lighting, and wiring. Mechanical Engineers create technologies to meet human needs.



Mechanics is the study of Force; from second year it is the basic subject that is required in Mechanical Engineering. The main aim of studying Mechanics is to design and analyze the system in both rest and motion. The two subjects in Mechanics are Classical Fields and Quantum Fields. Classical mechanics is described as:

·         Newtonian Mechanics

·         Analytical Mechanics

·         Classical Statistical Mechanics

·         Celestial Mechanics

·         Solid Mechanics

·         Fluid Mechanics

·         Continuum Mechanics

Quantum Mechanics is start from the Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion under seventeenth century. Quantum Mechanics is described as:

·         Matrix Mechanics

·         Wave Mechanics

·         Nuclear Physics

·         Particle Physics

·         Condensed Matter Physics


Statics is the study of Force and Torque. It is the most important and easiest course in Mechanical Engineering. Statics helps you in learning about how forces and bodies act and react to each other. It is the application of Newtonian physics to design and analyze structures, objects, and systems with respect to deformation and failure. Statics involves the study of bodies at rest, it is the practice that measure the forces between bodies. It is an essential in many branches of engineering aeronautical, civil, mechanical engineering which shows forces. The key concepts of statics are:

·         Forces

·         Free Body Diagrams

·         Equilibrium of Simple Objects

·         Machines and Structures Joined by Engineering

·         Connections

·         Trusses

·         Friction

·         Moments of Inertia



Dynamics is the study of classical mechanics. It helps you in learn about forces and their effects on motion. It is based on the second law of newton; it is involved in a study how physical system might develop. It studied in two categories as:

Linear Dynamics: Linear Dynamics is the study of objects that are moving in a line involves amount of Force, Mass or Inertia, Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration, Momentum.

Rotational Dynamics: Rotational Dynamics is the study of objects that are rotating or moving in curved path involves amount of Torque, Moment of Inertia or Rotational Inertia, Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration and Angular Momentum.

From Newton’s laws Force can be described as a pressure is put on object to Accelerate, it can be pushed pull or move in any way to change its position.

Newton’s Laws of Motion:

First Law or the Law of Inertia: First law of Newton’s state if a body is at rest or moving in a constant speed in a straight line, if the force is put on it to stop it or to kept it moving in a straight line is Law of Inertia.

Second Law: Newton’s second law state that when a force is put on mass and its acceleration increased.

F=ma; it shows the relation between mass and force. A Hitting ball develops a certain amount of acceleration after being hit.

Third Law or Law of Action and Reaction: Newton’s Third law state that when two bodies interact, they apply forces to one another in equal and opposite direction.

Mechanics of Materials:

It is also known as Strength of Materials it mentions the methods of calculating structural members. It deals with the behavior of solid objects to stress and strains of shifts, beams, and columns. Engineers study Mechanics of Materials to analyze and design various machines and loads of structures. Types of loadings are:

·         Transverse Loading: when force s applied perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of member.

·         Axial Loading: The applied forces are collinear with longitudinal axis of member.

·         Torsional Loading: Twisting action caused when externally equal and oppositely applied force acts on parallel lines.


It describes the motion of bodies, but without putting force. Its study is into purely about Mathematical Expressions. Kinematic used various aspects of motion as Velocity, Acceleration, Time, and Displacement to calculate Kinematics Equation. To describe motion of objects under the action of given forces kinematics helps you learning about lines, points, and other geometrical objects.

Best engineering colleges in Ghaziabad gives a large number of opportunities in career goal in manufacturing, design, testing, production planning, automotive, computer aided design (CAD) and other Mechanical Engineering Disciplines.


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